Friday 4 December 2015

Christmas Eve Carols on the Green

The Village Hall Committee would like to invite you to our annual Carols on the Green event, this year there will be mulled wine and mince pies to help you keep warm!  Join us on Christmas Eve for a festive sing along from 7pm - we look forward to seeing you there!

Monday 21 October 2013

Annual Carol Service 2013

The annual carol service is to be held once again on the village green on Christmas Eve at 7.00pm. This is a great way to start the festive season with music, singing and a great Christmas atmosphere.

As usual a collection will be taken and all proceeds will be donated to Martin House Hospice for Children.

So wrap up warm and join the fun!

Monday 9 January 2012

Solar Energy Project

What a disappointment   Followed by Success

Update: 9 November 2012

Amazingly our Funders extended our Grant Offer

Quite by coincidence one of our Tenderers sent out a mail shot with a very competitive offer  and we accepted.

We are now up and running with a smaller 4kwp Solar Panel Installation, one step nearer to a Low Carbon Building.

Whilst our Solar Production returns will be less we shall soon be making significant savings